Our Friends
Our mission is to restore land through regenerative farming, to empower individuals with disabilities through meaningful employment, and to create friendships by inviting our community to join us on the farm. We aim to create first a farm, and then a world, where integrity is valued over the philosophy of bigger, faster, and stronger, and where quality is valued over quantity. A mission this big needs a lot of friends! We are so blessed and appreciative to have them.

Our Farm Hosts
We are very grateful to be hosted by two long-standing organizations (and neighbors!) in Bath, OH. We grow our produce and flowers at Old Trail's campus farm, and raise our livestock on Crown Point's beautiful pastures!

Our Mentor Farmers
Internet research only gets you so far with farming. Local mentorship is far more valuable! We are so fortunate to have these incredible mentor farmers on speed dial:​
Trapp Family Farm​​​

Our Supporters
No grassroots organization can succeed without boots-on-the-ground support. We are extremely thankful to those who contribute their time and treasure to our cause, including our donors, sponsors, and volunteers.
This month's featured supporter is Insightful Minds Community of Learning. We are always so excited to have our friends from Insightful Minds visit and lend a hand at the farm!